Vision, Mission, Values
Our Vision, Mission and Values
Strategic direction of the Association of alternative medicine of Kuwait:
Integration with the Ministry of Health and state institutions and civil society institutions, and differentiation in the annual site doing every year from its predecessor.
Our vision:
Towards disease-free social environment, aware of the importance Soul and body protection, and nicely for the Professional Practice of hospitalization and techniques Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Our mission:
The protection of society, spreading a culture of science and technology, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the preparation of scientific cadres and the process, and specialized national, pursues professionalism, quality and mastered in practice and recovery from chronic and transient disease.
Our values:
1. Commitment to ethics and morals and professional standards
2. Individual, professional and institutional credibility in the diagnosis and treatment techniques Complementary and Alternative Medicine
3. Leadership in science and technology hospitalization and practice for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
4. Integration with local, regional and international professional organizations
5. Social responsibility and protection growing awareness, prevention, rehabilitation